Saturday, 19 December 2009

Riddle of the Nerve-Shattering Lasers / Memories of Psychodromes

A few days ago I had the honour of standing at a well-respected Walthamstow bus depot to make a presentation on doodlecraft. The audience comprised of some of London's and the South East's finest homeless gay philosophers who despise society. I had prepared some pamphlets on Duplo: ad-hoc productions photocopied at a nearby public facility using fake 50p pieces I had cut from a steel sheet I found in a bin.

When I handed the pamphlets around some members of the audience quipped that they couldn't read, but I assured them the magic lies in the pictures. The handouts featured drawings of Nod Gods, the Duplo Officer and various supplementary old 1990s doodles by other ex-Duploistas, such as Ed Cooper's 'Psychodrome' vehicle.

No sooner had I started to descant upon the topic of these Psychodromes, several laser dots appeared on my cardigan. The moment I became aware of them they disappeared. I didn't regain my flow, and stepped down from the podium feeling nervous and wheezy. Then, two women - hands-on-hips - started screaming at me, presenting me with the steel 50p pieces I had made. I found that I couldn't talk for some reason. I ran away with my dignity creased to an unknown extent. It made me wonder whether the Psychodromes made this happen somehow... 'Drome' comes from the Greek root 'race' or 'running course'... I hope to get additional info on this soon. Anybody who would aim a laser at another person ought to be raped.

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