Friday, 14 December 2007

Introduction to the Annals of Duplo

It has been said that all blogs can be slotted into two possible categories: 'referential' blogs direct the reader toward ideas originated elsewhere (and are essentially populist/exoteric), whilst the 'experiential' ones document the lived experience of the blogger in a personal diary format (non-populist/esoteric). But such distinctions are flawed if we view 'experiential' writing as the result of consuming reference, and excreting it as new reference, albeit reference of a lesser common value than the original input. But why should reference be hierarchised in this way? Ecologically, excreta is the most precious resource: full of nutrients, and which gives birth to fungi, which is eaten by higher organisms, and so on and so forth. Think of this blog in those terms. Shit. Furthermore, the 'referential' and 'experiential' categorisations can be muddied further if, peradventure, a blog were to be edited by a being from another dimension! A being with potential access to a reservoir of all thoughts that had ever been thought. I'm not saying that this blog features such a being (that would be insane), however, a particularly persistent and seemingly ridiculous character seems to be guiding my very hand! This will be explained shortly.

This is a blog about doodles scrawled in school workbooks. This is the result of almost two decades of strenuous activity (still ongoing, in fact) - often humiliating and degrading. This is an apocalypse of thought patterning. The doodles were originally borne of boredom and sensory deprivation (a rainy breaktime - locked in the classroom) one day at primary school circa 1992. The doodles grew more complex and life-forces began to emanate from them. Through secondary school, college, to the gutter (a surprisingly educational place); fifteen years later and I am still drawing them and it has nearly killed me, haha! I intend to show the reader how the smallest ideas can overwhelm one's life, and even depose of one's own inner narrative, as bizarre as this may sound. Proposals will be made for experiments that the reader will be urged to perform. I will also encourage the reader to design or resurrect creatures, imaginary technologies and characters of their own making as a stand against the dark forces of the Job Centre, society, 'populist thought flatlining', etc. I got sacked from a minimum-wage job in 2002 for doodling in a notebook. Surely upon leaving school there is finally true freedom to doodle? Well there isn't. The real world is actually more disciplinarian than school, and doodling is barely tolerated. I seek to amend this. Call me a terrorist if you will, but I am weak, twatty, (undiagnosed) autistic, unemployable and feeble - it is not me who instils fear, but the doodles themselves - their potential: the doodles which gain life and dart around the beholder's subconscious, rewiring thought patterns to allow more characters to spill in from beyond the mantle of one's creative consciousness.

All will be explained as clearly as possible. You do not need to know my name - this is irrelevant. All that matters is the imagery!

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